Monday, August 29, 2005

Next steps

Passing my comprehensive exam was one step of several that remain for me to complete before I leave graduate school and go back to the "real world." An essay of distinction (what we call a Master's thesis around here) is also in the works - about half-written right now - as well as an internship in Washington D.C. this fall. I had an orientation program last week for the internship to outline the written assignments that are a part of the course requirements, and their recommendation that all interns keep a journal suggests another possible use for this blog. An internship journal would also likely prove much more interesting reading than posting pieces of my thesis as I continue to write and revise it. Perhaps if I find extra time I will do both (writing the weekly postings of the past three months obviously helped my comprehensive exam performance by quite a bit), but that may be an empty threat since job applications and apartment/neighborhood reconnaissance ought to fill any extra time that I find on my hands while in the D.C. area.